
Authenticity is a quality of the particular. The particular is life. marble is a witness of life. The real is documented in the detail of marble.

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Marble: The Living Witness in the Functional Art of Felix Schwake

Authenticity and Uniqueness

Authenticity is a quality that makes something special. It is deeply rooted in life and manifests itself in natural materials like marble. Felix Schwake, a pioneer of functional art, uses this special stone to create works of sublime beauty and functional simplicity.

Marble: A Witness of Time

Marble is more than just a material. It is a witness of time, documenting life in all its facets. Each vein, each color nuance, each structure is unique and tells its own story. These stories are expressed in the artworks of Felix Schwake.

Attention to Detail in Functional Art

Felix Schwake has an eye for detail. His purist designs show an impressive attention to detail, highlighting the uniqueness of each piece. In marble, he discovers authenticity and documents it in his functional art.

Personal Conversation with Your Designer

Would you like to learn more about Felix Schwake's functional artworks? A personal conversation with the designer offers you the opportunity to learn more about his creative vision and his unique approach to marble.