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Innenarchitektur Ladenbau



Cabinets & Sideboards


Purist Functional Art in Interior Architecture: Felix Schwake's Vision in Goldsmith Shop Construction

Art Meets Craft: The Space as a Stage for Goldsmithing Works

Under the artistic direction of Felix Schwake, the traditional concept of shop construction is turned upside down. In his design for the Goldschmiede Mühlenkamp in Münster, he sees interior architecture as a stage for the handmade goldsmithing works, which are presented against a neutral background of minimalist geometric shapes. An unobtrusive atmosphere that invites the viewer to discover the delicate beauty of the exhibition pieces.

Purism in Design: Concentrated Tranquility and Clarity

Felix Schwake's purist functional art is characterized by clear geometries and minimalist design. Every element of the shop design, whether it is the presentation area or the functional furniture, was designed with the intention of creating a concentrated and self-contained environment. No texture or geometry disturbs the clarity of the exhibited works, yet a spatial presence is created that provides an appropriate setting for the artisanal art.

Invitation to Discover: The Public Exhibition in Münster

The Goldschmiede Mühlenkamp invites all those interested to experience the purist functional art of Felix Schwake in the context of goldsmithing. The exhibition is located at Ringoldsgasse 3, 48143 Münster, and is open to the public.