
Luxury Meeting Table in Ebony Black 6-Person : Ein Symbol modernen Designs

Der Luxury Meeting Table in Ebony Black 6-Person von Felix Schwake repräsentiert eine Welt voller Kunst, Design und Schönheit. Dieses außergewöhnliche Luxus-Design-Möbelstück ist ein wahres Meisterwerk, entworfen und gefertigt mit Liebe und Ruhe vom Künstler, um Ihr Leben zu verschönern und die moderne Designwelt zu symbolisieren.

Curiosity and Excitement: The Luxury Meeting Table in Ebony Black 6-Person

The Luxury Meeting Table in Ebony Black 6-Person is not just a piece of furniture, it's a fascinating work of art that sparks curiosity and excitement. The sophisticated extendable shelf legs offer not just additional storage space but are also a unique design feature that gives your space a special touch.

Unique Craftsmanship Meets Modern Design

The Luxury Meeting Table in Ebony Black 6-Person is more than just a piece of furniture - it's an expression of modern design and master craftsmanship. Each detail, each grain of the dark noble wood has been carefully selected and processed to create a unique masterpiece that builds a connection with you and transforms your premises into a showcase of modern design.

Meeting Table — FS85
Dark precious wood Makassar
LWH — 300 x 100 x 75
One-of-a-Kind Creation


FELIX SCHWAKE / Collection I