FS 194-H Grand-Antique Marmor

FS194H Dining Table
Marble Black-White
LWH — 160 cm x 160 cm x 72 cm
LWH — 62,99 in x 62,99 in x 28,35 in
Unique (1/1)


Marble Dining Table in Black-White square : Ein Materialisierter Waldspaziergang

Tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt voller Kunst, Design und Schönheit mit dem Marble Dining Table in Black-White square . Dieses bemerkenswerte Luxusmöbelstück, von Künstler Felix Schwake mit Liebe und Ruhe entworfen und gefertigt, verkörpert die Eindrücke eines Waldspaziergangs bei Nacht und wird Ihr Leben auf unzählige wunderbare Weisen bereichern.

A Collector's Piece: Excitement and Joy through Design and Craftsmanship

The exciting aesthetic of the Marble Dining Table in Black-White square sparks joy and satisfaction. The color, pattern, and origin of the marble were meticulously chosen to mirror the atmosphere of a nocturnal forest walk. This deliberate design recalls the peaceful stillness and harmony of nature and is a source of fascination.

A Touch of Nature in Your Home

More than just a piece of furniture, the Marble Dining Table in Black-White square is an experience, allowing you to sense the moment of Felix Schwake's nighttime forest walk. Each facet of this masterful piece is designed to transport you into a pleasant, emotional representation of this experience. Upon request, the award-winning artist will custom manufacture the table to your specifications.